Friday, January 02, 2015

New Year, New Blog

To continue following me, check out the blog tab on my updated webpage,

Friday, September 19, 2014

Opera Obscura

September has been all about Hugo Weisgall. Baritone Matthew Hoch and I performed his musically challenging one-act opera Will You Marry Me? in recital at the University of Nevada, and next week we repeat the work at Auburn University.
While the vocal lines are taxing and not always tuneful, they portray the unique characters well, highlighting their humorous and sometimes awkward behavior as they negotiate their arranged marriage. Thank you to our patient pianist, Kosta Popovic. This opera is not Menotti's The Telephone!

Friday, August 01, 2014

Marriage on my mind

I'm looking forward to directing my first full production of The Marriage of Figaro this year at UNLV Opera. I'll be directing Figaro amid my own wedding planning, so this will be two dreams come true.

Friday, July 04, 2014

Disney Princesses #NATSinBoston

It's time for the the biennial convention of the National Association of Teachers of Singing. I'm Boston-bound to present a paper on Disney Princesses. Who said academic conferences aren't fun! In the words of Anna from Frozen, "For the first time in forever, nothing's in my way."

Monday, June 09, 2014

Prague, Lennon, and McQuillan

A whirlwind weekend trip to Prague led to my first trip to the Lennon Wall, and my third recording venture in this beautiful city. At the Prague Radio Symphony studios, I recorded Lee McQuillan's "Poet's Song" and "The Last Goodbye." Of course I had to wander past the Estates Theatre, where Don Giovanni and La clemenza di Tito premiered.

Monday, April 28, 2014

The Composer

April is coming to an end, and it's been busy with UNLV Opera's Ariadne auf Naxos. What a joy to combine my love of opera and ballet in what was the most complicated production I've ever directed. But ah, the sweet rewards of Richard Strauss! I identified with his Composer character, who relished his music come to life. Speaking of composing, it's been great having my songs sung this spring, from Evelyn Shreves premiering "Sky-born music sings" at the University of Georgia to Lenora Green premiering "30 Minutes of Wonderful" in Memphis May 1.

Saturday, March 22, 2014

C'est magnifique

March has been magnifique, with recitals at both the University of Nevada, Las Vegas and Mississippi State University. It was wonderful to finally perform with both Dr. Paul Houghtaling, bass-baritone, and Dr. Kevin Chance, pianist. From the absurd Virgil Thomsen to the divine J.S. Bach, the music was diverse and diverting. Still, my favorite was our finale medley of Cole Porter's "Ça, C'est l'amour" and "C'est magnifique."