Thursday, August 26, 2010

Yoga, Spirit, and Community

I have been taking class at a number of yoga studios in town but today I received the most lovely note from the teacher at Evansville Power Yoga. "It's always a gift to have you practicing with us. Much Shanti." I am overwhelmed by his words; they exemplify the yogic philosophy but I was both flattered and humbled. What wonderful energy I feel, and I look forward to practicing in this yoga community.

Thursday, August 19, 2010

New Music Dept. website

Check out the newly designed website of the University of Evansville Music Department or visit the Voice Area page to learn about my new colleagues.

Monday, August 09, 2010

Sarah McLachlan, singer/yogi, in concert

Last week I got to see Sarah McLachlan in concert at Chastain Park in Atlanta. I suppose it was a conciliatory concert since Lilith Fair was cancelled throughout the South. Sarah sang well, showing good breath control and impassioned expression. It was timely since she is currently featured on the cover of Yoga Journal.