Saturday, December 22, 2012

Mayan/Solstice Afterglow

Well, we survived the Mayan apocalypse! Now it's safe to look forward to 2013. For me, it will bring my first trips to Portland, Australia, and who knows where else while sharing my musings on opera and yoga. Check out my latest Yoga for Singers YouTubevideo to help you destress over the holidays, or before an audition or performance. Forget traditional "resolutions." Find your flow in the new year, set your intentions, and follow through to achieve your goals. I am feeling peaceful after a Winter Solstice Chanting Hour last night: 60 minutes of Om by candlelight. Happy holidays to all!

Wednesday, November 14, 2012

Copland, Purcell, Poulenc, Hartke

It's been a whirlwind after UNLV Opera Theater's production of The Fairy Queen closed Nov. 10. Following the Purcellian afterglow, I performed Stephen Hartke's Iglesia Abandonada with violinist Weiwei Le at the Nov. 13 Nextet concert. And Nov. 17 I get to sing in the new Smith Center! The Copland program should be a crowd pleaser, and hopefully Zappos CEO Tony Hsieh will draw a crowd curious to hear him narrate the Lincoln Portrait. It is well-timed thematically, since the Spielberg Lincoln movie opens this weekend as well. My November performances will conclude with the Poulenc Gloria-one of my favorites-which I will sing in Ham Hall on Nov. 30.

Sunday, September 23, 2012

YFS returns to GA

Last week I had a nostalgic return to the Atlanta area, doing Yoga for Singers workshops for Clayton State University, Musik21 at the Johns Creek Center for the Arts, and the North Fulton Music Teachers Association. I also shared YFS with the voice students at Georgia Perimeter College. See us perfecting our Tall Mountain pose in this photo.
Georgia is still on my mind, even though I'm back in Nevada with an autumn intent to renew and revitalize my personal yoga pracitce.

Sunday, August 05, 2012

Fairies and Elixirs

I am pleased to announce the 2012-13 season of UNLV Opera Theater. I'm a fairy fanatic so blending Purcell with Shakespeare will be good fun. Then it will be cool to combine Donizetti with a touch of the Bellagio. In the fall Opera Workshop we will explore pants roles from Cherubino to Drood, while April's scenes will explore beauty and vanity, so get ready Semele, Thais, and Truvy.

Monday, July 02, 2012

Meditating to the Taos Hum

In late June, I traveled to my parents' place in Arroyo Seco, NM. (I attended 1st-3rd grades in this small town on the way to the Taos Ski Valley.) I taught two Yoga for Singers sessions to the students of the Taos Opera Institute. During meditation, I wonder if anyone heard the legendary Taos Hum.

Saturday, June 02, 2012

Tree pose: Roots Before Branches

Last week at the Druid City Opera Workshop, the students worked hard on Tree pose. Some lost their balance, but I told them that was ok, and that they had to build their foundation before they can branch out. I meant that literally, but metaphorically it reminded me of the climactic song from the Glee finale "Roots Before Branches," where Rachel Berry goes to NY to follow her dream. Click here to watch Lea Michele’s powerful performance of the song.

Thursday, May 10, 2012

YFS @ NYC. Next stop, Druid City!

Last weekend I traveled to New York City to give a Yoga for Singers workshop at Bija Yoga, a lovely new studio near Unnion Square. The weekend also included hosting NATS Chat, a monthly online discussion group of voice teachers. This month's topic was, not surprisingly "Real Divas (and Divos) do Down Dog: How Yoga Helps Singers." Later this month, I get to return to Paul Houghtaling's wonderful Druid City Opera Workshop. In its third year on the University of Alabama campus, Druid City is a great new summer opera scenes program. I'll be directing scenes from Cosi, Boheme, Traviata, Barber, and Magic Flute as well as leading yoga practice. It will be interesting to see how Tuscaloosa has recovered from last year's tragic tornado which decimated portions of the university town. Click here to learn about Druid City Opera

Tuesday, April 03, 2012

YFS heads to TX

This April marks the one-year anniversary of the publication of Yoga for Singers! In celebration, I'm doing some touring around the country to lead some workshops and spread the word about YFS. You can catch a YFS workshop April 21 at Big Yoga Houston or. Happy spring, and Namaste!

Saturday, March 03, 2012

Carmen: Castanets & Love Duets

2 weeks away: UNLV Opera Theater's "Carmen" Mar. 16-18 in Ham Hall.

Thursday, March 01, 2012

You Gotta Get a Gimmick

Happy March! My article on Creative Recital Programming is in the March/April issue of Voice Prints, the newsletter of the New York State Singing Teachers' Association. Click here to read my article on p. 4.

Saturday, January 28, 2012

Caffe Breve with Alizma

Yesterday I presented my first faculty recital at UNLV. Entitled "Caffe Breve," the program featured arias and songs all about coffee from Bach's Coffee Cantata to "Taylor the Latte Boy." The concert concluded with the world premiere of a song I wrote entitled "Blonde Coffee" which I wrote with latte girl Kristin Chenoweth in mind. This photograph features my students Aleksandra and Monika Okapiec, two of the Okapiec triplets who are Alizma. Click here to learn about Alizma

Saturday, January 14, 2012

2012: A New Year of Possibilities & Costumed Asanas

Happy New Year! 2012 promises new opportunities. My book Yoga for Singers will be reviewed in the upcoming March issues of the Journal of Singing and Yoga Magazine! I'm busy preparing to direct UNLV's production of Carmen, but I realized I haven't uploaded a new video since moving to Vegas. Click here to watch the new YFS video . It's called Costumed Asanas and shows how to modify some yoga poses so you can warm up in costume before an audition or a show. Wishing you well in 2012.