Thursday, May 10, 2012

YFS @ NYC. Next stop, Druid City!

Last weekend I traveled to New York City to give a Yoga for Singers workshop at Bija Yoga, a lovely new studio near Unnion Square. The weekend also included hosting NATS Chat, a monthly online discussion group of voice teachers. This month's topic was, not surprisingly "Real Divas (and Divos) do Down Dog: How Yoga Helps Singers." Later this month, I get to return to Paul Houghtaling's wonderful Druid City Opera Workshop. In its third year on the University of Alabama campus, Druid City is a great new summer opera scenes program. I'll be directing scenes from Cosi, Boheme, Traviata, Barber, and Magic Flute as well as leading yoga practice. It will be interesting to see how Tuscaloosa has recovered from last year's tragic tornado which decimated portions of the university town. Click here to learn about Druid City Opera