Wednesday, February 20, 2013

Grossmann & Donizetti

The life of a performer/teacher is a juggling act, but it's nice to keep all of the balls in motion. Tonight I was invited to sing the Lament of Juliet, Jorge Grossmann's "The Lark's Voice Doth Us Affray," with the UNLV Symphony Orchestra. The concert took place during my rehearsal for UNLV Opera's upcoming production of The Elixir of Love. Luckily my Assistant Director/Graduate Assistant is an incredibly experienced professional singer in her own right, so a recitative rehearsal continued while I was performing in a nearby building. Then it was lovely to return to rehearsal and stage Nemorino's and Adina's climactic arias. Elixir has always had a soft spot in my heart, and I hope my Vegas-themed concept brings new insights to Donzietti's well-loved work.