Tuesday, March 09, 2010

Sampling Yoga Workshops

I greatly enjoyed my Character Portraits recital and the audience seemed to as well. Besides working on the program, I have been busy with yoga workshops as of late.

February 27 I attended a workshop at Clear Spring Yoga in Chattanooga. I didn't realize until afterwards that the teacher, Manju Jois, is the son of Sri K. Pattabhi Jois who brought Ashtanga yoga to the U.S. It was an intense experience (my hamstrings took a week to recover!) and the Sanskrit chanting was most interesting.

March 7 I took my first class at Rome's new Spring Stone Yoga studio. Beth Novian Hughes teaches a monthly Yoga and Sound Healing class the first Sunday of every month. Since I was the only one in attendance, I got a private lesson. She shared neat insights into toning on vowels and the power of sound to bring peace and harmony.

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