Monday, July 22, 2013

YFS Down Under and SFO in the High Desert

Mark a continent off my Bucket List. Earlier this month I traveled to Australia for the International Congress of Voice Teachers, where I shared Yoga for Singers at a conference session. It was heartening to hear that teachers are using my book in the UK and even down under! Queensland Conservatorium was a lovely setting, right next to Brisbane's version of the London Eye. Håkan Hagegård gave an elegant master class, but I was pleased with the abundance of CCM workshops, especially where I heard a rendition of "How Come You Don't Call Me?" that beats Alicia Keys. Next I'm looking forward to attending Santa Fe Opera for the first time. On the docket are an Offenbach operetta as well as the premiere of the Oscar Wilde opera. My pianist pal Patrick Harvey will appear onstage in Oscar, following up an onstage role as Jake in Houston Grand Opera's Show Boat. I like to think that I started this trend by costuming him as Felix Mendelssohn in my Fanny Mendelssohn, Alma Mahler, Clara Schumann show Your True Calling years ago.

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